General Mills Hires A Chief Creative Officer. Is This Crazy, Or The Future? | The Internationalist | Other Publications | All MKC Content | ANA

General Mills Hires A Chief Creative Officer. Is This Crazy, Or The Future?


The appointment of a chief creative officer was announced the other day.

That's not big news if it's an ad agency appointment. But this was General Mills announcing the hiring of Michael Fanuele, former chief strategy officer of ad agency Fallon in Minneapolis, as its chief creative officer.

General Mills is a company more associated with getting America up and running in the mornings with Cheerios, Wheaties and Pillsbury dough boys. A no-nonsense food giant, whose brands we enjoy every day. I can see why Apple, Google or Facebook would go out and hire a chief creative officer. But General Mills?

(Please see our "Also See" section to the right for the full PDF of this article.)


"General Mills Hires A Chief Creative Officer. Is This Crazy, Or The Future?" Michael Lee, Founder of Madam. The Internationalist. Number 71, 2015.
